Percentage Difference Calculator

Calculate the percentage difference between any two numbers

Percentage Difference Examples

Example 1: Price Comparison

Compare prices: $50 and $75

Difference: 40%

|75 - 50| ÷ ((75 + 50) ÷ 2) × 100 = 40%

Example 2: Test Scores

Compare scores: 85 and 95

Difference: 11.11%

|95 - 85| ÷ ((95 + 85) ÷ 2) × 100 = 11.11%

Example 3: Population Change

Compare populations: 10,000 and 12,000

Difference: 18.18%

|12000 - 10000| ÷ ((12000 + 10000) ÷ 2) × 100 = 18.18%

Percentage Difference Formula

% Difference = |Value₁ - Value₂| ÷ ((Value₁ + Value₂) ÷ 2) × 100

How to Calculate Percentage Difference:

  1. Find the absolute difference between the two values
  2. Calculate the average (mean) of the two values
  3. Divide the difference by the average
  4. Multiply by 100 to get the percentage

Note: Percentage difference is always positive and shows how far apart two numbers are relative to their average.

Benefits & Features

Our percentage difference calculator provides essential benefits for analyzing changes and variations:

Versatile Analysis

  • Percentage increase/decrease
  • Relative change calculation
  • Absolute difference
  • Growth rate analysis
  • Trend comparison

Business Applications

  • Sales performance tracking
  • Market share changes
  • Cost variation analysis
  • Revenue growth metrics
  • Budget comparisons

Data Insights

  • Statistical comparisons
  • Year-over-year analysis
  • Performance metrics
  • Variance reporting
  • Trend identification

Frequently Asked Questions

What is percentage difference?

Percentage difference measures how far apart two numbers are relative to their average. It's commonly used for:

  • Comparing prices between competitors
  • Analyzing data variations in research
  • Measuring performance differences
  • Evaluating market price fluctuations
  • Comparing statistical data sets

What's the difference between percentage difference and percentage change?

These calculations serve different purposes:

  • Percentage Difference: Compares two values relative to their average, always positive
  • Percentage Change: Shows increase/decrease from initial value, can be positive or negative
  • Example: For values 100 and 150:
    • Percentage difference = 40%
    • Percentage change = 50% increase

When should I use percentage difference?

Use percentage difference when:

  • Comparing two independent values
  • Neither value is a "starting point"
  • You need a symmetric comparison
  • Analyzing variations in scientific data
  • Comparing prices between competitors
  • Evaluating measurement precision