Percentage Change Calculator
Calculate the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers
Percentage Change Formula
Percentage Change = ((New Value - Original Value) / Original Value) × 100
Benefits & Features
Our percentage change calculator offers multiple advantages:
Accurate Calculations
- Precise percentage change calculations
- Handles both positive and negative changes
- Shows absolute value difference
- Clear visual indicators
- Instant results
Easy to Use
- Simple and intuitive interface
- Auto-calculation as you type
- Clear result explanations
- Mobile-friendly design
- No complex setup needed
Versatile Applications
- Business growth calculations
- Financial analysis
- Statistical comparisons
- Price change calculations
- Performance metrics
Frequently Asked Questions
Percentage change is calculated using the formula: ((New Value - Original Value) / |Original Value|) × 100. The absolute value of the original value in the denominator ensures the correct sign (+ or -) for increases and decreases.
Absolute change is the simple arithmetic difference between two values (New Value - Original Value). Percentage change expresses this difference relative to the original value as a percentage, making it easier to compare changes across different scales.
When the original value is zero, percentage change cannot be calculated because it would involve division by zero. In mathematics, division by zero is undefined. In such cases, you might want to use absolute change instead.
Our calculator provides results with 2 decimal places of precision. All calculations are performed using JavaScript's built-in Math functions, ensuring both accuracy and quick response times.